For Honor Official Weekly Update for March 22 Trailer

4 years ago

For Honor Official Weekly Update for March 22 TrailerThere are at present four groups in For Honor: Knights, Vikings, and Samurai, with a fourth group, the Wu Lin, having been added with the Marching Fire expansion.[14] There are nine warriors in the Knight, seven in the Viking, and Samurai, and five in Wu Lin, which makes a sum of 27 saints, each using their own extraordinary weapon from history.

Knight group highlights:

Superintendent, a Vanguard class knight using a longsword, a specialist at keeping close distance and handling the adversary;

Victor, a Heavy class hero employing a thrash and utilizing a warmer shield to fight off assaults;

Peacekeeper, an Assassin furnished with a mix of shortsword and knife, depending on brisk assaults and seeping out the rival;

Lawbringer, a protection clad Hybrid contender utilizing a poleaxe and joining pushes and tosses to control the progression of the battle;

Centurion, a Roman-themed Hybrid hero displaying a gladius who is a wild hand-to-hand warrior;

Warrior, an Assassin class contender suggestive of retiarii of antiquated Rome with a spear and a buckler available to them;

Dark Prior, a Heavy class knight using a broadsword who is an expert at utilizing a kite shield in both guard and offense.

Militarist, a Vanguard class fighter using a flamberge who once had a place with the knights until they were picked by the god Horkos to complete the mission of Apollyon.

Griffin, a Hybrid class knight using a bardiche who was once known as the Lawbringer, Holden Cross, until he grasped the battling styles and societies, everything being equal.

Viking group highlights:

Plunderer, a Vanguard class hero battling with a dane hatchet, utilizing his hefty weapon to perform ground-breaking strikes;

Warlord, a Heavy class champion outfitted with viking blade and performing speedy assaults from behind his viking shield;

Berserker, an Assassin with hand tomahawks in both of his hands, which, while forfeiting protection, permit him to perform fast strikes;

Valkyrie, a Hybrid class contender utilizing lance and shield in an adaptable battling method, continually pushing at the adversary;

Highlander, a Hybrid stylised as a Scottish champion with a claymore who switches among guarded and hostile positions;

Shaman, an Assassin class contender with a non domesticated battling style using an ax and a gutting blade;

Jormungandr, a Heavy class hero utilizing a ground-breaking war mallet to fiercely attack the adversaries.

Samurai group highlights:

Kensei, a Vanguard-class hero using a nodachi in a consistent, adjusted position;

Shugoki, a Heavy class warrior utilizing his weight and a kanabo to pound assaulting adversaries;

Orochi, a katana-using Assassin who makes speedy work of his adversaries with a whirlwind of anchored blows;

Nobushi, a Hybrid class contender battling with a naginata, who is a specialist at keeping adversaries at distance;

Shinobi, an Assassin class warrior with kusarigama in each hand, utilizing slippery moves to consistently keep the adversary speculating;

Arumusha, a Hybrid class champion with two katanas and a high speed, phenomenal battling method;

Hitokiri, a Heavy class champion and a previous killer employing a masakari.

Wu Lin group highlights:

Tiandi, a Vanguard-class hero who uses a da-dao and has practical experience in quick battle dependent on evades;

Jiang Jun, a Heavy class contender with a guandao available to him, who can keep different foes under control;

Nuxia, an Assassin employing double snare blades to execute quick and handy strikes while at the same time avoiding the adversary;

Shaolin, a Hybrid class contender who depends on bō and combative techniques mastery to defeat the adversary;

Zhanhu, a Hybrid class champion whose evades and marvelous utilization of changdao give a commendable test.

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