Sith, Hypothetical.

4 years ago

Hypothetically if I were to think like A Sith,
how would I do it? Asking for a friend, Jk.

In this case I imagine it my character is only doing it in a hypothetical sense so as to get the star map from the obstinate computer whose robots I am not strong enough to beat.

It is interesting that I waited until after liberating the planet so that my wookiee friend Zaalbar can join in the conversation and observe the strange computer in the Shadowlands. My phone was nearly full during this take so I didn’t get the first half I was attempting to record the entire conversation from beginning to end and I only got the end. Still interesting. Both Zaalbar and Jolee have cool things to say, but Zaalbar overrides Jolee so that he does not get to speak his bits. Zaalbar disbelieves the computer and its claims about his world’s history. He is deeply disturbed by the dark presence of this dark-side computer in the shadowlands.

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