Parler CEO Fears End Of Company

4 years ago

Like many of you, I am saddened by Parler being de-platformed. This is what they will keep doing because they do not want us to talk and organize, they want complete and total control and obedience, period. Why do you think they have shut down Churches and any other place people get together and congregate, there is a sinister reason behind it all. The end times are here, turn towards God for salvation.

After Parler has gone off the web, CEO John Matze and the company proceeded to sue the tech company alleging that the suspension was "motivated by political animus" as well as to help minimize the competition in the microblogging industry.

As the allegations reached the Seattle federal court on Monday, January 11, 2021, the internet giant responded with a series of screenshots reportedly taken from the app when it was still up and running.


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