Capitol Building NOT Insurrection

4 years ago

Trump did not incite the violence. This wasnt "insurrection." This was the Democratic party refusal to look into, and main stream media denying of, voting transparency that caused the protest. The election irregularities are not lies, unless you believe the narrative of propaganda media. Whens people's voices are not heard in their vote. It's not conspiracy theory, its not tin foil hat wearing idiots, its smart, kind, educated American citizens. It wasnt hate groups or militia, just average citizens just heard that on CNN.

So, I'm in my hotel room, and I have CNN on so I can hear the Left wing propaganda side. I just heard that the "violence, chaos, and destruction was because of conspiracy theory." On CNN. Narccistic, psychopath, egotistical...incompetent, relies and lies, all the time all the election irregularities are lies. Including ALL the senators and representatives they're all lying too." If you hear this enough like for the last 4 years you can't help but believe it. I mean I would have believed CNN i didn't know any better. I just heard "Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley are evil and just want power." I need to watch more CNN to know what the left is going to say before they comment. But I prefer truth, and there's only so much time in the day.

If Biden's Laptop hadnt led me on a quest of why are news stories so different, I'd be watching CNN and believing it. Thats the biggest different between the Right and Left and the and information. Liberals and conservatives can argue all day long on that one and will. One side will post a CNN, MSN, article the Right refute with Fox, now newsmax, OAN, then the talk of credible sources comes up. Ad nauseum.

America is in turmoil and its not because Orange Man Bad. Its because bloated, news, tech, CCP special interest money controlling politicians, voting, and even yes radical left wing extremists groups like Antifa BLM which led the charge into the Capitol building. And then after a Summer of burning, rioting, looting, the mob mentality is a curious beast, and citizens are pissed because they're not being heard. They're being told move along, nothing to see here. Still. What happened was not pretty but it was loud.

Now supposedly a girl died, I say supposedly because I just saw something that put that into question, the saddest part is I don't know for sure. Someone saw a video. CNN said something.. But we just can't trust the media. Now if true its sad and tragic. And no deaths are good, I'm not eve a proponent of Capital punishment. I was on the ground today, I saw no violence. I've been at more hair raising mosh pits and dive bars.

BLM and Antifa tore the country apart over the Summer, albeit against other civilians, I mean cities burned, city halls taken over. Is that better than this? NO! They're both bad but the media spin like "mostly peaceful" protest as building burn in the background and sensationalism like insurrection, adjectives like baseless, and unsubstantiated. I just heard in CNN...President Trumps Twitter account is suspended, and then..."does that make Pence the president?"

Next spin...because Trump supporters were white the police weren't as aggressive with them.

Lastly, striving for unity can't come from continuing down the same political path. Orange man bad, treason, sedition, media verbiage and move along. Change is needed. Unfortunately usually before true change can occur, the pain of remaining the same has to be greater than that of change. That is the path we are on

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