How did the squirrel do it......!!!!!!!!

4 years ago

There are many types of squirrels that live in different environments in many places around the world, and the bodies of squirrels are characterized by their thin sizes and have dense tails and large eyes at the front of the head, and they have soft and silky fur that varies in color from one squirrel to another. Chipmunks have longer hind limbs than the front ones, and four or five fingers each have strong claws. Squirrels easily climb up and drop down trees. By rotating the ankle 180 degrees to facilitate backward movement. Squirrels live in nearly all environments such as tropical rain forests and desert, but they cannot live in high polar regions and very dry deserts. Squirrels feed on seeds and nuts, so they are classified as herbivores, and in some species they feed on insects and even small vertebrates. Squirrels have excellent vision because of their large eyes , Some species also have a great sense of touch, so their limbs and heads are also shaken. She has strong teeth called incisors at the front of the mouth that she uses to loan and cut food, grow continuously throughout her life, and there are also teeth inside the mouth behind the cheek to grind and store food. The lifespan of an adult squirrel is 10 to 20 years, and some young squirrels may die prematurely if they fall from the tree's nest

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