Crooked Hillary A Life in Memes

4 years ago

This video begins with a "Special Musical Homage" to Australia's Politicians by the beloved Senator Papahatziharalambrous whose work may be found on YouTube & you may follow him here at

Entree is a "Made by Anonymous" video entitled "What's Really Going on in Australia which is an excellent introduction to Australia's own Corrupt Political Establishment with a focus on the Clinton Foundation, Red Shoes and all.

The Final Act is the "A "collated" Life in #Memes" featuring Hillary Rodham Clinton aka #CrookedHillary or #HRC, and her "lovely family Photographs of the Clinton Crime Scenes" collected from Various Sources on the Internet!

The aim of making this little #HRCVideo is to provide Voters with a resource with which to help them identify the Corrupt Political Establishment that work to enrich themselves at the expense of the constituents who elect them!

This has been made to create a "historical" record of the phenomenon currently underway and thanks is given to the genius autists who created this magic.

For more information about the contents of this video please go here: or visit Citizens Investigative Report on Rumble or Bitchute!

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