The Yardfather, Part 3

4 years ago

Here is a video of my good Christian neighbor, a.k.a, "the Yardfather" clearing the snow from the sidewalk in front of his house, January 31, 2014. This is video taken by my security at my security camera on Mayfair Street in Dearborn Heights. The camera is pointed to the Southwest, monitoring my front door and driveway.. Notice that he checks to see if anyone is watching, or if we are coming home, then he takes it upon himself to walk up our driveway, and redistribute snow that had previously been removed from our driveway, onto our property. This is the first of two occurrences that day.

The Yardfather is a Greek Orthodox Deacon. The Holy Bible was originally written in Greek, so you would think he would be familiar with Mark 12:31, which says, "The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." The Yardfather's Facebook page is full of self-righteous rhetoric, but his actions speak volumes.

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