NRA Bacis Pistol Instructor shooting qual Modified

4 years ago

This shooting qualification is a modified version of the actual NRA Basic Pistol Instructor shooting qualification. All shooting is done at 45ft. must be a 6" group. Must use double-action every time where applicable. Must not shoot your firearm.
1. Strong-side two-handed, someone else's gun.
2. Support-side two-handed, someone else's gun.
3. One-handed right, someone else's gun.
4. One-handed left, someone else's gun.

This is a more realistic expectation, even for a basic instructor. To be competent and qualified with any firearm in any manner for the students you will be teaching.

Dave Laird then allows the instructor candidates to choose the firearm and the manner with which they want to see him perform so that he can also demonstrate he is capable of doing anything his students request. Another big part of being a good instructor is training so that you can shoot any drill cold in front of students upon demand how they need to see it. I was once asked to shoot one-handed left using the middle finger for the trigger because a candidate had a sister that couldn't use her support side finger but was required to shoot support side only for her job. I have also had tons of students with various disabilities that prevented them from being able to shoot the norm.

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