Clubhouse App: Radicals Planning Violence - Full Audio Leak

4 years ago

This is the full recording of a conversation held on the Clubhouse Social Media App hosted on the Apple App Store.
This conversation occurred on Jan 12, 2021
Points of interest found in this conversation:

3:50 buy illegal guns
5:16 "buy a gun on the black market"
5:38 "the laws don’t matter"
8:30 republicans = isis and made isis
12:00 conspiracy theory about needing to prep by Friday Jan 15
15:17 telling people they need a weapon by the 17th because that’s when active placement starts
15:35 disclosing SIPRNET secrets
17:51 tell your kids it’s ok to slice heads off
18:30 black supremacist groups named
20:07 shared link to “don’t need to worry about taxes”
20:50 don’t worry about the laws
21:40 forget your laws. Don’t forget about cross bows
23;20 some of my guns aren’t registered
24:30 you need to know where your water and electric grids are so when we rise we know where these things are
28:30 general seti 30 sec clip call to violence
31:00 we need to mobilize locally so we can shut down a street really quick
36:30 organizing illegal cross state weapons trading
41:40 machetes for the ladies
42:30 everyone should install a mobile vpn to protect themselves (lol)
51:30 organizing into groups by state
56:52 This is clubhouse and people are recording so be careful what you say ;)

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