Joe Biden Bragging on Camera About Actually Doing what they Had Impeached Trump for the First Time

3 years ago

For those who don't know already, Joe Biden quite often attacks people and accuses them of doing what he himself happens to be guilty of. The last time Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats impeached Donald Trump, they weren't successful because Trump as fate would have it, was not actually guilty of any wrongdoing and that was proven by way of extensive and expensive investigations into the baseless accusations of the Democrat party. Of course, now we know for a fact that Trump was innocent of the charges and the Democrat Joe Biden was actually filmed openly bragging about it to a crowd of people who laughed and giggled as he told his story as only the person who bore false witness against someone they were falsely accusing could tell it. Such a character that Joe, where would we be without criminals such as him being allowed to steal a US election from a man and then claim that it was he who received the most votes in US history and not the guy who actually did do that.

This is what Biden does best though, lies, steals, cheats, blackmails, threatens, extorts, and just all around demonstrates how effective and polished he is at being a total sleaze-ball. Remember now, Americans spent forty million dollars on that impeachment because this guy, the man who actually did one of the things Trump was being accused of brags about it, and he also conspired with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in their effort to fabricate total lies which were all proven to be such in that failed first attempt.

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