Meet John Sullivan

4 years ago

Here's a funny thing.
Jayden X is the alias of John Sullivan. John Sullivan is a BLM and antifa activist who was arrested in July 2020 and charged for his involvement in the shooting of a motorist who was trying to get around a chimp out in the middle of a road.
Sullivan was one of the main organizers of the "counter protest" against the peaceful Trump supporter gathering in Washington DC on 6 January.
But the really interesting parts are these:
Sullivan is the man who was directly behind Ashli Babbit and who pushed her up against the doors where she was shot.
Sullivan was the instigator of the invasion of the Capitol building.
Sullivan is seen in several videos talking to police, being waved into the building and coordinating vandalism and rabble rousing.
Sullivan was "arrested" again on 6 January and released without charge.
Sullivan is a COINTELPRO asset of the FBI. This is what these assets do- cause trouble, get arrested for their own protection then get released without charge, over and over again.
This goes back to the 1960s. Sullivan helped kill Babbit the same way Jesse Jackson set up MLK Jr.
FBI was taken over completely by CIA in 1972 after the murder of J. Edgar Hoover.

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