Killer Huggers

4 years ago

Would it kill you to hug someone? No, seriously, would it? Some of you may believe that. Some of you may be contemplating whether answering “yes” puts you on the side of common sense. Such is life in ‘Rona times. Others may recognize the importance of contact, through touch or communication, and keep hugging in your arsenal when it comes to interacting with fellow humans. Hugging yourself, stuffed animals, or trees is just not the same.
Isn’t it amazing that simple actions like hugs, which we once agreed were vital to show our acceptance and/or care of other individuals, are now considered by some an act of bioterrorism? In what other areas are we letting fear take over? Are we allowing fear to stop us from taking active steps to show care for or love one another? What other previously considered healthy activities are we neglecting?
For the non-touchy-feely folks out there, perhaps something like a hug has always been intimidating or less than satisfying. Now that hugs are potentially laced with Covid, you may view an incoming hug as an attempt on your life. Maybe you are even tempted to call the authorities on your local hug dealer for spreading that poison around, especially those bold miscreants who embrace others with *gasps* nothing covering their faces.
All kidding aside (or am I serious?), there are so many ways that you can help others know they matter or give a boost to their day. Even just some words of affirmation sent another’s way or lending your ear to someone for a conversation from near or far (no nearer than 6 ft of course), can make the difference in some way. With reported high levels of “deaths of despair” maybe the difference you can make is THE difference someone needs. Please give that some thought.

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