Excerpt of The Faith Translation new paperback

3 years ago

Excerpt from The Faith Translation new paperback, The 2nd epistle Peter chapter 1 verses 1 through 10.

I should have read through verse 11 but here they are for you to read them yourself.

1 Simon Peter, a bondservant (who willingly belongs to) and is an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those that (share with us in His life) having obtained an equally precious faith through (the revelation of) the justice of God (to give us His blessing and life as a gift) and (who has served us with that life through) our Savior Jesus Christ:

2 (His) grace and peace are multiplied to you through the knowledge of God revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord (to whom belongs all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge),

3 (Who has) accordingly through His own divine power and ability given to us all things that pertain to (us experiencing the substance of His) life and Godlikeness, (which comes) through the knowledge of Him (revealed in the faith of Jesus Christ) in which He has called us (through the spirit of faith) to (the same) glory and virtue:

4 And through (this faith) is given to us (the sure hope of these) magnificent and precious promises (surpassing all that we could ask or think): so that by these you might share in the life and nature of God and having (your flesh put to rest by His life) you will escape the corruption that is contained in the world through (the) lust (to bring forth life by your flesh).

5 And for this reason, give all diligence (to hearken) to this faith (which lavishly supplies) you with (His goodness and) virtue, and (along with) virtue knowledge;

6 And (along with) knowledge self-control; and (along with) self-control patience; and (along with) patience Godlikeness.

7 And (along with) Godlikeness brotherly kindness and (along with) brotherly kindness love.

8 Because if these things (which are contained in the faith of Jesus Christ) be (born) in you (by hearkening to this faith), and (abide and) abound (in your heart), they (will) make you so that you will not be barren or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

9 But the one who lacks these things is blind (not hearkening diligently to the faith revealed in Jesus Christ), and (therefore) cannot see very far off, and has (quickly) forgotten that he was purged from (the bondage of) death wherein he formerly labored in vain for life.

10 Therefore brethren, give all diligence (to listen closely and keep hearing) the faith (of Jesus Christ) to make your calling unto the life that He has chosen you for (from the beginning) a certainty (in your heart): because if you do this (one thing) you will (in no way) ever fall:

11 Because in this (faith) has (He has given to you) the way that keeps you and has served you abundantly with His life, unto the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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