My cat prank me and broke my phone

4 years ago

My cat prank me and broke my phone
The Diary of My Fractious Cat
Cats are simply the funniest and most hilarious pets, they make us laugh all the time! Just look how all these cats & kittens play, fail, get along with dogs and other animals, get scared, make funny sounds, get angry,... So ridiculous, funny and cute! What is your favourite clip? :) Hope you like our compilation, please share it and SUBSCRIBE! Watch also our other videos!

If the cats can be kept calm in the first place then all handling becomes much easier. This requires 'thinking cat' at all times: i.e., from when advising clients how to bring their cats to the practice (e.g., having a secure cat basket that the cat is used to seeing, and spraying it with Feliway® [synthetic feline appeasement pheromone made by Ceva]), having a separate dog-free cat waiting area where cat baskets do not need to be placed on the floor, cleaning consult room tables thoroughly between patients so their anxiety pheromones from their sweaty paws are removed, having 'cat friendly' staff who understand cat ethology, and a cat-only ward.

Cats are generally more sensitive to unfamiliar people, places and situations than dogs are, and this can be even more extreme for cats that have been poorly socialised and/or cats that live indoor-only and meet very few people.


Careful 'cat friendly' handling is essential, and it can be taught. Below are some general tips from the FAB Cat Friendly Practice booklets:

Adopt a 'less is more' approach to restraint as this will reduce the risk that the cat responds with aggression.

Always approach a cat in a calm and soothing manner. Do not look the cat in the eye on first contact--look past it. Once the cat is relaxed you can make eye contact, but it is best to do so with semi-closed eyes--this is much less threatening. A slow blink can be an effective way of telling a cat you mean it no harm. Stroke and talk to the cat before lifting it from the cage or basket.

Rub your hand over the cat's own pheromone centres (above the bridge of the nose and pre-auricular area). The cat will often put its head in your hands--very impressive for clients!

After removing the cat from the basket, let it settle, stroke it while having a chat with it and its owner, or let it wander around the consult room for a few minutes.

Avoid sharp or loud noises as cats are often very sensitive to these.

Avoid very bright lights while the cat settles down. If the cat needs a retinal examination leave this to a little later in the consultation.

Talk to the cat calmly and slowly with a relatively quiet tone; move slowly and quietly and do not make sudden movements. Some people find getting down on the floor with the cat can make it relaxed and so make handling easier.

Start with the least invasive procedures first, ending those most likely to upset the cat, such as opening its mouth and taking a rectal temperature (for the latter remember to use plenty of lubrication). Cats often resist having their mouths opened wide and it can be easy to miss things,

Have items such as thick towels to hand for calm use if required.

Being moved around on a slippery surface can be stressful. A towel or rubber mat which gives the cat something to grip can help. Consider using the cat's own blanket from its basket.

Felifriend® (Ceva) (in addition to Feliway®) can be useful. However a paradoxical increase in aggression has been noted in cases where the cat is faced with a human or feline with which it associates hostility. The cat appears to panic at the conflict between what it sees and the appeasing scent signal. Remember no amount of synthetic feline pheromone will replace good handling techniques.

Use cotton overalls as synthetic material can lead to electrostatic effects.

Careful observation of cat behaviour will help predict when a cat is feeling threatened.

If aggression does occur it is important to realise it is because the cat is fearful not dominant.

Scruffing the cat should not be used routinely and certainly not for lifting. Grabbing and immediately scruffing a cat is intimidating and leaves the cat with no room to manoeuvre except for defensive aggression ('fight' may be necessary as 'flight' has been prevented).

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