JFK assassination - David Lifton explains the body, the autopsy and THE ZAPRUDER FILM

4 years ago

This is one of the best books about the JFK case I have ever read. The research is painstaking and convincing and Mr. Lifton's conclusions are powerful and ominous in their implications. Mr. Lifton had access to many very important players in the JFK case and he was personal friends with many people who became very helpful for his investigation.

What also makes the book interesting is the biographical information about author David Lifton. The book is written from his perspective of becoming immersed into the JFK mystery to the point where he stopped working on his Master's Degree and was subsequently expelled from the university.

Mr. Lifton was a physics and engineering major in college which gave him the ability to look at all of this in a very scientific and objective way. Sadly that's exactly what the Warren Commission and the HSCA panel were never willing or able to do. The Navy doctor who performed JFK's so called autopsy, Commander Humes, was an expert at saying things that were true but saying it in such a way that only he knew what he was talking about. That's exactly the kind of language that should never be used when discussing the results of an autopsy.

I suspect many JFK researchers have always wished someone could look at the Zapruder film, the Mary Moorman picture, and the other JFK visual evidence and see what is really there. Well someone was able to do that. His name was Tom Wilson. Wilson subjected those artifacts to his advanced photographic analysis technology which can peel away layers of light and shadow and reveal what is in those movies and pictures.

It's interesting to compare David Lifton's conclusions with what Tom Wilson said. Mr. Lifton was correct about many things but there were things he could not have known without the benefit of Tom Wilson's invention.

Among the many shocking things Tom Wilson discovered:

1. John Kennedy was hit by at least six bullets including three shots to his body. And that doesn't include the throat shot.

2. The head shot struck JFK in the right temple area and the bullet was travelling at an upward trajectory when it impacted with JFK's head. The missile fragmented into two pieces upon impact.

3. There could have been as many as 10 people shooting at JFK. There was a shooter in the Texas School Book Depository but not in the fake Oswald window. This shooter was in another window on the other side of the building.

4. Many, many changes were made to the famous Zapruder film before it was ever released to the public. The presidential limousine was 7 feet farther down the road than what the Zapruder film shows. How convenient that when the shooting started JFK was hidden behind the freeway sign in the modified Zapruder film. These alterations to the Zapruder film can be easily detected today using modern technology.

The book A Deeper, Darker Truth by Donald T. Phillips is based on Tom Wilson's work. I recommend reading this book by Mr. Lifton and then Phillips' book. Then maybe read some of Doug Horne's Inside The ARRB volumes to get the total picture about the medical evidence conspiracy.

This book by David Lifton describes a dismal, murky, gruesome abyss of murder, lies, confusion, and a massive abuse of trust and authority. According to author John M. Newman the CIA created fake connections between Oswald and the KGB when Oswald was in Mexico City. Lyndon Johnson told everyone that Lee Oswald was working for the Soviets when he assassinated JFK and if that horrible truth ever came to light World War III would begin.

John Newman calls this the World War III virus in Oswald's CIA records. And once Johnson started playing that card the truth was never going to come out of any government agencies. And it never has. No matter what evidence surfaced, what witnesses saw, etc., it would always come down to the secrecy being a matter of national security.

And hiding the truth about the JFK assassination really is a matter of national security. If the truth could ever be proven in court the entire American democratic system might start to fall apart at the seams. That's why they're still covering it up even today. The truth would raise too many questions about events like the Vietnam War and what else they may be lying about even now.

The only thing I didn't agree with Mr. Lifton about is he said Jim Garrison's Clay Shaw trial in New Orleans was a farce. Judyth Baker has now surfaced and shown that yes Clay Shaw was part of that murky CIA underworld in New Orleans when Lee Oswald was living there.

Tom Wilson appears in episode 6 of the great JFK documentary series The Men Who Killed Kennedy. The hypocrites took legal action and had some episode of this TV series banned from television forever. However they can still be viewed on the internet and I recommend that people view all 9 episodes.

A Deeper, Darker Truth: Tom Wilson's Journey into the Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The U.S. Government's Final Attempt to Reconcile the Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Assassination of JFK - Volume 1

Trauma Room One: The JFK Medical Coverup Exposed

On the Trail of the Assassins: One Man's Quest to Solve the Murder of President Kennedy

Texas in the Morning: The Love Story of Madeleine Brown and President Lyndon Baines Johnson

The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ

The Dark Side of Lyndon Baines Johnson

Hit List: An In-Depth Investigation into the Mysterious Deaths of Witnesses to the JFK Assassination

Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace: Third Edition

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