Ep. 3 Courts, Law, intro

4 years ago

Contact me at AmericanRogue@Protonmail.com
If we do not join together, America will fall
Even if Trump gets in, we will fall at the local level and we will lose our rights and our land... We have already lost the Judiciary and this is what we need back under the control of the people...

In order to do that, we need to become educated...

There is a lot of myth and bad information out in the Internet... people vying for political and personal power...

My interest is in helping people and joining us together... I am a private man and so getting into the public is like pulling teeth. I cannot do it alone, it takes a community to be free...

People like myself are easily picked off one by one... I don't have the resources financially to mount a major attack against the state (in-law attack)...

We are in a war, there is no question about that, and if we do not work together we will fall together...

May God give us wisdom and inspiration to step up... amen

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