We the People will WIN an Equalitarian Revolution

4 years ago

#EqualitarianRevolution #eTownHalls #EqualitarianCommunities #CommunitySovereignty #IndividualSovereignty

Welcome to putting Ordinary People''s Powered #EqualitarianRevolution Community Organizations in charge. Your host Daniel Roy Wigler Backpack Baron Author, Activist and Equalitarian Revolution advocate with 20+ year as a "Socio-Economic Political" Generic Activists and Quality Validation expert. Abolish capitalism to put Small Businesses in charge and put Small Business Cooperatives in charge.

Happy Holidays Everybody!! I just did this 11 minute video calling for an Equalitarian revolution and a Decentralized, Decolonized, Rational Ethical Community Organizations and Small Businesses in charge in 2021. We the people can win this Equalitarian Revolution!!!

Here is a link to the original video in this commentary that was filmed in a Philippine Prison.

We are a collaboration of Generic Activists calling to move away from name brand activist to win an Equalitarian Revolution. We call our approach generic activism as opposed to name brand activism. We are awoken and realize the massive corruption can be resolved only when equality for all generic activists in huge numbers thousands and millions.

Learn why it is so important for all activists to get away from name brand activism and to adopt generic activism at this link.


We come together and occupy forever our government buildings, police, military so they no longer serve and protect corporations however serve and protect we the people. Generic activists collaborate under this banner of Equality For All and putting Ordinary People's Powered Equalitarian Community Organizations in charge.

We support 100% all of these brand name activism and name brand activism however we have generic terms that will bring a greater collaboration than any of these activists have ever had when we all get under the banner of Equalitarian Revolution.

We invite everyone across the world to join us and let us all collaborate to help leave the world and planet earth in a much better place for our children and grandchildren through real councils, town halls and peoples assemblies that never have politicians-representatives invited.

Join our ongoing Ordinary People's Equalitarian Community Organizations by contacting Daniel Roy Baron to join.


Phone: 323-496-7649
Email: etownhalls@protonmail.com

Contact Grandmaster Schauer in San Francisco Sage Warrior Temple:


Add Daniel Roy Baron on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram.





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