Tweet Blast 2020-11-27

4 years ago

Hello Everybody, it’s Black Friday. I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving. I know I did; even with a Democrat Mayor. Black Friday, I guess is not affected by Covid-19, so enjoy shopping. The one thing I have seen after 2 weeks is the momentum by the Trump Legal Team. Rudy Giuliani has already gotten his Tribute, See Number 34. @JennaEllisEsq and @SidneyPowell1 deserve a tribute for how hard they are working to reverse this election. I wish them nothing but the biggest blessings. They have the strongest character and you know how much I idealize strong Females in Power. They are doing great and I have my biggest faith in them. This voter Fraud is on so many levels and they are showing them all and I don’t think they can be stopped. To @JennaEllisEsq and @SidneyPowell1, I Salute You! Bring it home for Team Trump and the American People!

P— Hello Everybody, this is Beverly D’angelo. She was great in so many roles, but her best by far is #EllenGriswold. She is beautiful and talented in all the Vacation Movies. Her cousin in the movie is Cousin Eddie, portrayed by the awesome @RandyRRQuaid. He has done some questionable things over the years, but being a huge advocate for Trump has given us all so much enjoyment. Keep up the Great work Randy. We will always love you as Cousin Eddie; the cousin we are glad we didn’t have. To #BeverlyDangelo and @RandyRRQuaid, I salute you! It’s Black Friday, so it’s that time of year to watch #ChristmasVacation again. I could watch it so much; I would spend all my 9 lives watching it.

Note—Play “Top 10 Christmas Vacation Moments”; #ItsFull

Note—Play “Clark Freaks Out—Christmas Vacation”; #ClarkThatsTheGiftThatKeepsOnGivingTheWholeYear

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