Tweet Blast 2020-11-26

4 years ago

This was to be my Veterans Day Post but I was off social Media for a few weeks. Everyday should be Veteran’s Day though, so even though it is Thanksgiving, here we go:
Hello Everybody, Well, I was stuck with no communication for a while. I heard that @joebiden won the presidency; that sounds great. Can you believe a man who could not complete a sentence without the use of a teleprompter won? How embarrassing for America. I guess little things like the “Laptop from Hell” were not a big deal to voters. I guess they like being sold out. I guess they don’t mind voting for a party who just spent 2020 trying to kill us while not in power. 250,000 at last check; I wonder what they have for an encore in 2021. I can’t wait! This was my Veterans Day Post, so Happy Belated Veterans Day. After the Democratic Party of 2020 uses the 25th Amendment and gets #JoeBiden out of office Day 1, they will replace him with @KamalaHarris. I have attached my original post from Tweet Series Day 9. Instead of #JoeBiden calling troops “Cowards and Losers”, I have it on good Authority that it was actually @KamalaHarris that said it. (#JoeBiden only called them “Stupid Bastards.”) So, I have attached an updated version. Plus, she lied about it again in her debate against @MikePence. Can you believe our Troops will have to salute her as our first Female Commander In Chief? I’m sure they are looking forward to that. Again, great job America. To all of our Veterans, who will be stuck Saluting a complete Traitor & Evil Snake, I Salute You! Good luck the next 4 years.

Note—Repost “Fake News to What Actually Happened Conversion Chart” Plus Updated Version

Note—Play Suicidal Tendencies “Institutionalized”; #Institutionalized Still love the old school Pittsburgh @Pirates Hat. #AllIWantedWasAPepsi

P— Hello Everybody, guess where I was? Imagine a Hell where you can’t talk to anyone because of Covid. You are stuck in a room with nothing. They took away all cool forms of entertainment. The only thing they leave you with is BOOKS! Ahhhh! 17 Puke Emojis*** After 2 weeks on the outside, I made with my life companion, I’m now back again. If they try to stick me in there again, I would rather drive off a cliff on my way there. It is never going to happen again. Give me music, podcasts, or the best form of entertainment, Television, anytime. This is my pledge to everyone. I will do or say anything to never return there. It is not only boring but it is a mind-blowing waste of time. So, I am re-posting my brilliant Tweet Series on Facebook just to prove that NO ONE likes to read in 2020! PROVE ME WRONG. I DARE YOU!

Note—Play Officer Barbrady (South Park) “Reading Sucks Ass”; #ReadingSucksAss

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