Cybernetic Warfare, by Herbert Philbrick

3 years ago

Herbert Arthur Philbrick (May 11, 1915 – August 16, 1993) was a Boston-area advertising executive who was encouraged by the FBI to infiltrate the Communist Party USA between 1940 and 1949. His autobiography was the basis for the 1950s television series I Led 3 Lives.

This is taken from an LP album of a speech given by Herb Philbrick about 60 years ago. Some of the details are no longer current, but the basic principles of Communist practice are still very much in play.

The late great Dr. Fred Schwarz explained the importance of understanding this in these quotes:

I remember one meeting where I mentioned “dialectical materialism.” The Communist chairman challenged, “What is dialectical materialism?” I shot back, “dialectical materialism is the philosophy of Karl Marx, which he formulated by marrying the idealistic dialectic of Hegel to the materialism of Feuerbach, abstracting from it the concept of the inevitability of progress due to conflict of opposites called the thesis and the antithesis, applying this concept to the history of economic and social progress, and deriving therefrom a doctrine of inevitable revolutionary social change.”
The chairman gazed at me in confused amazement, so I added, “Don’t blame me; it’s your philosophy, not mine; you are the one who believes it, not I.”

Dr. Fred Schwarz, _Beating the Unbeatable Foe: One Man’s Victory over Communism, Leviathan, and the Last Enemy_, Regnery Publishing, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1996, page 39.

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