High Falls Muskoka Waterfall Ontario | Exploring Ontario’s Waterfalls

4 years ago

Happy #waterfallwednesday

Today we're still out on my three day waterfall roadtrip from last September and now we're at High Falls on Muskoka in Bracebridge, Ontario

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The website gowaterfalling.com states that Muskoka High Falls is one of the largest and steepest waterfalls in the Muskoka region. It also has been left relatively intact, despite the dam located at the site. In addition it is easy to visit, making it one of the best waterfalls in this part of Ontario.

High Falls is one of the most impressive waterfalls in the Muskoka area. The river falls about 50 feet in a single drop. It is not a plunge, but it is much steeper than most of the cascades found in this region.

There is a power station above the falls, and water is diverted from the river, but the falls are still an impressive site.
The Muskoka region is full of great waterfalls to visit, in the immediate area of High Falls you can also hike to the much smaller Pott's Falls and Little High Falls which are located just a short hike from High Falls.

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