Heroes & Villains at the 25th Amendment Debate * HIGHLIGHTS * 01/12/21

4 years ago

(January 12, 2021) Anyone who has followed Donald Trump for the past 5 years, would know that Trump and his supporters have heard the Democrats, the media, sycophants from Obama's former administration and Hillary Clinton's and Joe Biden's supporters tell lies and falsely accuse Donald Trump and HIS supporters of being racists, homophobes, bigots, xenophobes, White Supremacists, White Nationalists, Fascists and Nazis and calling President Trump a Putin puppet, a traitor and every thing else they could think of to vilify Trump and his supporters — all while subjecting Trump, his family and associates through ObamaGate, an FBI investigation, a Russia Hoax, the Mueller Investigation, the Ukraine Hoax and hearings, the impeachment hearings and trial, the AntiFa and BLM riots, the cancel culture and doxing, election fraud, media blackout on election fraud hearings, the blame for the D.C. riot, censorship and suspensions on social media, the 25th Amendment attempt and a 2nd Impeachment vote in congress WITHOUT hearings.

A sane and objective outsider should find it perfectly reasonable to assume that 75 million Americans might be just a tad upset after all that bull$hit. And now that they have all the power, the Democrats and their angry supporters want to subject Trump, his family and supporters to even MORE bull$hit! These people are very, very evil! Now they are out for blood by death with a thousand cuts.

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