Letter to Symyran as viewed by a Messianic Jew who follows Yeshua

4 years ago

A Message for Smyrna
Jesus knows the people in Smyrna aren't rich. But, hey, mo' money, mo' problems, right?
He knows they've been turned into the Roman authorities by some of the Jewish people (because Jews don't consider Christians as part of the synagogue anymore).
This is bad, but they shouldn't worry about what's about to happen next.
Some of them are going to be thrown in jail—oh, sure, nothing to worry about.
If they're faithful 'til death (wait, so now they're going to be arrested and killed?), Jesus will give them a crown of life to wear. Well, maybe it's a really fancy crown.
But if they don't stay faithful to him, they're going to receive eternal punishment. That crown is starting to look better and better.

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