Facebook Censors Brandon Straka and the Walk Away Campaign: #WalkAway

3 years ago

Facebook Censors Brandon Straka and the Walk Away Campaign Page #WalkAway

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Facebook Censors Brandon Straka and the Walk Away Campaign Page #WalkAway

source: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/jan/8/brandon-straka-500k-strong-walk-away-page-banned-b/
Brandon Straka, 500K-strong 'Walk Away' page banned by Facebook: 'Every member of my team!'
By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times - Friday, January 8, 2021
The “Walk Away” movement has been flushed down an Orwellian “Memory Hole” at Facebook.
Founder Brandon Straka, his team, and his 500,000-strong Facebook page with citizens who abandoned the Democratic Party were purged from the site this week.
“FACEBOOK has removed the #WalkAway Campaign and has BANNED ME and EVERY MEMBER of my team!!!” he tweeted Friday. “Over half a million people in #WalkAway with hundreds of thousands of testimonial videos and stories is GONE. Facebook has banned everything related to #WalkAway.”
Mr. Straka also included screenshots from Facebook informing him that his page had violated the company’s terms of service.
The page allegedly ran afoul of “hateful, threatening, or obscene” content.

“@SenTedCruz @tedcruz I need your help,” Mr. Straka added. “PLEASE CONTACT ME. The entire #WalkAway movement & every employee & volunteer from my organization was BANNED today from Facebook. This is only the beginning of a total conservative shutdown if we don’t get help. Patriots, PLZ retweet.”
Contacting Mr. Cruz, a long-time critic of censorship by social media giants, was a logical move on Mr. Straka’s part.
“These are the most powerful companies on the face of the earth and they feel zero accountability to any elected official,” Mr. Cruz said in December. “For all of us who care about free speech that should worry us greatly. YouTube’s latest policy [to delete content questioning election integrity] is ridiculous. … Simply exercising monopoly power to say ‘the views that I don’t like shall disappear and have never exist’ that should scare everyone.”

Facebook Censors Brandon Straka and the Walk Away Campaign Page #WalkAway

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