Rotation Correctives in the Safety Zone Part 3

4 years ago

Kettlebell Rotational Patterns
Kettlebells are powerful because the unique shape allows you to move in all planes of motion. Before you try this exercise it’s advisable to review my videos on Rotational Correctives in the Safety Zone. Once you have mastered the one arm swing, and rotation, you can take the kettlebell laterally with powerful rotation. The bell will stay in front here, add in a little bit of folding and sagittal plane but getting back into the frontal plane to add rotation. Rotational Patterns with the hinge are parallel from each other & help prepare the body to move effectively when needed to help avoid injury.
In the Safety Zone:
1. Engage your lats not your shoulders to control the weight.
2. Aa you come up from the bottom of the move breath out & at the top of the move breath in
3. Root your feet aligned like they are on a train track with your hips, knees & upper body in alignment.
4. Hinge at your hips not upper body flexion with your core muscles engage bracing your back.
5. If you feel even a tinge of pain that is a warming sign to stop to evaluate where the pain is from.
6. Always warm up before exercising & cool down afterwards. (I have videos that cover this.)
7. Mastery Coaching virtually is available for assessments & how to for safe effective training.

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