Experiments With Hope - Episode 18: Plans vs Procrastination

4 years ago

NOTE: This episode was recorded on November 5th, 2018 and moved from YouTube on January 14th, 2021.

Do you know how to escape mediocrity as an entrepreneur? It starts with knowing when to stop planning and when to start taking action, risking failure and being willing to learn from your mistakes. I started with nothing, making zero dollars a month, and grew to a full-time income working as a solo entrepreneur. I know from experience that there's one secret to escaping mediocrity, and to breaking income plateaus, and that's a willingness to make mistakes and or even to look stupid. Personally, I'd rather be beat up by failure than paralyzed by indecision and over-analysis. How about you?

My guess is, you already have an intuitive suspicion about what you should be doing right now. Why aren't you doing it? My second guess is, you're relying too much on your plans and not enough on your entrepreneurial intuitions. Planning is great. But there's a moment when planning turns into procrastination. You can also become attached to your plans at the expense of your goals. This is why you have to know when to stop planning and when to start taking action. If already you know every single action you need to take between where you are and where you want to be, you're probably in for more of what you've already gotten in the past.

New levels of achievement, by their definition, will demand that you do things you've never done and to confront things you've been unwilling, or afraid to confront. In this podcast, I share one simple tip on how to escape mediocrity in your business and in your life. 

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