CRIMINALIZE DISSENT! Big Tech CENSORSHIP. Parler sues Amazon. Apple, Twitter, Google all on board.

4 years ago

Lumberjack Logic - Episode 44 - In this episode of Lumberjack Logic we discuss Big Tech's censorship of individuals and President Trump. Big tech has gone bananas over censorship. The left talks about freedom of speech and the importance of the first amendment, but except for a few like Glenn Greenwald it's simply lip service. Parler may have a tremendous anti-trust case in the near future. It appears that there was collusion between Google, Apple, and Amazon all to silence Parler in favor of Twitter. It does beg the question though, "Why on earth would Parler ever trust Amazon and Jeff Bezos with their platform?" Also Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) comes out against the Domestic Terrorism Law that liberals want to use against conservative groups.

#bigtech #cencorship #domesticterrorismlaw #parler #amazon #google #apple #AOC #twitter

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