4 years ago

This is a one minute commercial for an interactive reality program, one that doesn't exist. I made this for Pre-Media Interactive Media, at Fanshawe.
You will find it hard to read everything and see everything the very first time you watch this because it moves quite fast, so don't be afraid to watch it several times.
There is a very valuable mosquito. He is between shapes and ages and very hungry.
Also, there is a logo I created on photoshop from a borrowed photograph of a crescent-moon dusky-foot, relative of the whippoorwill. The song of the whippoorwill at night always terrified me in the years of my childhood. My mother said they were birds, but I found next to impossible to believe.
This is about the intelligence within nature and the dangers of believing everything media resources want you to believe. Sometimes, they can have their own agenda. Also, who are the many visitors from outer space? They may be many races, and from many dissimilar places. So who are they? And what will they want? Friends or pets.

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