Welcome To Your New World - Whether You Like It Or Not!

4 years ago

We have been betrayed by every single institution established to prevent and remedy crimes like the BLATANT THEFT OF THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION! We now see just how deep and wide the rot within the Swamp really is. We have been betrayed by the State Legislatures, the State and Federal Courts, even the Supreme Court, the DOJ, FBI, and finally the rotten U.S. Congress itself. They all turned a blind eye to the most egregious theft of an election in the history of the world in order to deny Donald Trump a second term, to prevent him from doing any more damage to the ruthless globalist agenda to utterly destroy our country.

Despite an unprecedented landslide of votes for Trump, the evil globalist empire overlords did everything they could to rig the election. In order to do so, they had to expose just how much of our country, our institutions they have corrupted, how many people are under their control. They had declared open war on us and declared YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE. You are going to get our sick, twisted and evil vision of a tyrannical global banking/corporate governmental system whether you like it or not!

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