Rally in DC | Joshua Feuerstein, Chad Caton, Jerry Wayne, Ken Peters, Jeff Dornik & Dustin Faulkner

4 years ago

The events that happened on January 6th unveiled what it was that was on most peoples minds, Antifa showed up to ensure there was destruction, and some MAGA conservatives fell right into their plans, some from Q even led the charge onto the state capital. With so much unrest we can only assume that people are reaching their breaking points, they are afraid of what the country will turn into and what they legacy will be for their children. Pence decided to disobey what Trump wanted to do, some on this episode saw this as cowardice, while others of us saw it as withholding the systems of the constitution, so much happened in one day that it was like trying to drink information through a firehose.

Chad Caton, Ken Peters and Joshua Feuerstein joined us on the ground in DC to give us all a first hand look, from support coming from the Chinese Americans, to Chad telling of his tales speaking with ANTIFA at BLM Plaza, the boards set in piles on streets to incite violence, to the small groups of Patriots standing around to watch Chad speak his heart.

Jerry Wayne, Jeff Dornik, and Dustin Falkner also weighed in on not only what happened on January 6th but also gave us their thoughts on where this country is going. Are we on the edge of a civil war? What lines do we have to draw in the sand before we choose to act? Can Republicans and Democrats ever see each other as more than differing ideologies and come to the realization that we are all Americans, living breathing human beings once again. Join us as we discover these issues as well as so much more.

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