The Shakening is upon Us! Pick A Lane! Not A Time To Be Luke Warm!

4 years ago

This video is to document the spiritual war of likes we have never seen before. It is a time to pick a lane. Just remember one lane leads to destruction and the other one lead to the promise land.

The church is waking up and it’s not the church that you would think of. It is time to be fearless and bold in the Lord!

This is not about President Trump, Republican or democrats. It is a war of good vs evil. The truth will begin to be revealed and when it does it may be critical to switch lanes. This great shakening is needed to wake people up throughout the world.

Big tech, main stream media and the alike does not have dominion over us. God has dominion over us and He will bring Justice!

So when you begin to be attacked and you will, it is time to be fearless and bold. Never ever back down from evil. This is how we got to this point,
However many people worldwide are waking up and will receive the Spirit of the Lord.

Subscribe to be notified of my next video! Also please share far and wide since our voices are being silenced! Thanks! We all have a role to play and we will need to unite as one! One party of people! This is the only way to take our country back and to bring the great awakening!


God Bless You on the other side of the screen!

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