Owls are fascinating birds there are about two hundred they are found throughout the world

4 years ago

1) Not all owls are nocturnal (active at night) . . . for example the burrowing owl is active mostly during the day, and some owls are active during dusk and dawn.

2) Barn owls form a separate classification from the rest of owls.

3) Contrary to what most people think, an owl cannot turn its head completely backwards, but only to 135 degrees. Owls are far-sighted . . . they cannot see anything only a few inches away, and once they catch prey they eat it by feel rather than sight. Their eyes are fixed in the sockets so to look in a different direction they need to turn their entire head.

4) Types of owls which are now extinct were alive during the time of the dinosaurs, and could not fly. Some heron-like fossil birds were probably owls. Some evidence suggests that owls are more closely related to nightjars than to other birds of prey, although this is not definite.

5) Different cultures use owls to represent different characteristics. In Finland, the owl is used to represent both wisdom and stupidity! Owls are eaten in some parts of the world although Darwin is reported to have said that "brown owl" tasted extremely unpleasant. In Wales (UK) the owl is considered cursed.

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