Exposing the truth about creationists (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-11)

4 years ago

Skeptics claim Christians can’t do real science because of their faith and some believers say we don’t need science, just faith. So, do we believe 6-day creation because of science or because of the Bible?

Related Articles:
Why does science work at all? (https://creation.com/science-biblical-presuppositions)
Creation is faith; evolution is science’? (https://creation.com/creation-faith-evolution-science)
Loving God with all your mind: logic and creation (https://creation.com/logic)
Do creationists hate science? (https://creation.com/creationists-dont-hate-science)
Why do we need to look outside the Bible? (https://creation.com/why-apologetics-is-important)

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