Episode 24 The Mafia Rebranded

4 years ago

How can one person infiltrate our country? It takes a village. That village begins with Harold Ickes and George Soros!! This rabbit hole goes on for days - it's time we truly understand who is trying to ruin the greatest country ever to exist! Okay well, Israel is best but for now, it's America!!

We need to PRAY against this evil and VOTE!!!

Without making this a five-hour show, I will break some things down for you here:
Names mentioned that you can do your research on:

Jim Rogers
Jeff Sach’s
Wade Rathk and Acorn
Tides Foundation
Maya and George Wiley
Gerald McEntee
McCain/Fingold Bill –

Snowe/Jeffers amendment https://www.brennancenter.org/sites/d...

Ariana Huffinton
Jesse Jackson and Al Frnaken
John Podesta
Madeline Albrights
Steven Rosenthall
Morton Holtbren
Contact LifeClips: lifeclipspodcast@gmail.com

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