Revelation 1 10-20 Messiah comes in Style

3 years ago

Jesus Comes in Style
John tells us that he is under the influence of the spirit. No, he's not drunk—he means the Holy Spirit.
Suddenly, he hears a voice like a trumpet commanding him to write to the seven churches in Asia. They are in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.
When John looks around to see who's talking, he sees Jesus. What a coincidence.
And Jesus is lookin' good. He's standing in the middle of seven tall candlesticks and wearing a long robe with a golden sash. It's the sash that really makes the outfit work.
His hair is white like snow and his eyes look like flames. Okay, a little creepy.
His feet are made of bronze and his voice sounds like running water. How soothing… except the flaming eyes are still freaking us out.
In addition to being a sharp-dressing guy with flames for eyes, Jesus carries seven stars in his right hand (how's that for accessorizing?).
A sharp sword comes out of his mouth, too. Oh, sword-swallowing! It's like a carnival!
His face also shines like the sun. Overall, he's looking pretty awesome.
Write It Down
When John sees Jesus, he falls down at his feet. We don't blame him.
But Jesus tells him not to be afraid. Hmmm. If he doesn't want people to be afraid of him, he could try toning down the flaming eyes a little.
Jesus tells John to write down everything he sees. And don't forget to include all the stuff about the number seven. Sevens are pretty big in this story.

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