Let's Make This Clear to Zuckerberg, Gates, et alia. Public Notice to Tech Giants By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Let's Make This Clear to Zuckerberg, Gates, et alia. -- Public Notice to the Tech Giants January 11, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

All incorporated entities operating on American soil are responsible for upholding and enforcing the Public Law, including the Constitutional Guarantees owed to the States and People of this country.
Failure to protect and provide for the inalienable rights as spelled out but not limited to those enumerated as the Bill of Rights will result in your corporation being nationalized, its assets seized, and its Officer, Board Members, and Shareholders punished.
In the case of Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Instagram, no pleadings away from the results of your acts based on the presumption of a private status and "community standards" will be applied.
The Public Law overstands the private law in all instances and the Public Law is now being enforced.
You have twenty-four (24) hours to get your "public policies" and "community standards" in line with the Constitutional requirements.
Any further infringement will result in your loss of access privileges to the electrical and communications grid.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/01/lets-make-this-clear-to-zuckerberg.html

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