Trump has an ace up his sleeve in Congressional Showdown? Evidence CCP failed to destroy |Wide Angle

4 years ago

Tomorrow, the final key process of the presidential election will take place in Washington D.C. All members of Congress will attend for the review and certification of the state electoral college votes, leading, theoretically, to confirmation of the President-elect. However, this election is likely to play out in anything but a straight forward manner. There’s now 12 senators and a significant number of House members who have publicly announced that they will oppose swing-states votes that they consider unlawful.

So far, a considerable sum of testimony and evidence has been produced by the Trump camp, Sidney Powell, as well as other concerned parties showing illegal, even treasonous acts in the election; yet the media and courts continue to sideline these cases. Will tomorrow’s joint session be the overriding chance for this evidence to finally come to light?
#Navarro #Trump #USelection
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Trump has an ace up his sleeve in Congressional Showdown? Evidence CCP failed to destroy |Wide Angle

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