"KISS MY BLACK A**!" - 'Educated' Black Woman When Confronted About Her Angry Mother

3 years ago

Call-in: 888-775-3773 live M-F 6-9am PT / 9-noon ET. Watch/listen: http://jlptalk.com An educated black woman calls Jesse's live radio show, upset that he's saying blacks' problem is their own fault, starting with weak or absent fathers and single mothers. She thinks black families were always broken by whites. She acknowledges that Jews suffered in slavery and oppression too. Jesse says blacks were moral before the Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther King, Jr., was about love, but the rest of the leaders, Jesse Jackson, John Lewis, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, etc, turned the so-called civil rights movement into hate. She calls Jesse illiterate, and he says he is, he barely graduated high school, and she says she can tell. She says there's so much division with President Donald Trump in office, and she's sure Jesse's a Trump supporter. Jesse says that Obama divided the country with hate. She goes off about the fake Willie Lynch letter (a total hoax), and Jesse says blacks' suffering is from their angry mothers. She says her mother was great, but Jesse says her mother was hell to pay. She tells Jesse, "Kiss my black ass!" then hangs up. It's not white racism — "racism" does not exist, and never has. It's good versus evil, love versus hate.

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http://jesseleepeterson.com Jesse's site
http://rebuildingtheman.com BOND nonprofit

http://jlptalk.com The Jesse Lee Peterson Show (live M-F 6-9am PT)
http://www.thefallenstate.tv The Fallen State (seasonal Weds 6pm PT)
http://rebuildingtheman.com/church Church (Sunday 11am PT)

Books by Jesse Lee Peterson:
The Antidote: Healing America From the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood (2015) https://www.amazon.com/Antidote-Healing-America-Poison-Victimhood/dp/1942475004
The Seven Guaranteed Steps to Spiritual, Family and Financial Success (1996, 2007): PAPERBACK: https://www.bondinfostore.org/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=7-STEPS KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071P38DH4/
Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America (2005) https://www.amazon.com/Scam-Black-Leadership-Exploits-America/dp/1595550453
From Rage to Responsibility (2000) https://www.amazon.com/From-Rage-Responsibility-Conservative-Peterson/dp/1557787883

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