Teshuvah God's Reset Button For Your Life

4 years ago

Did you know that every year you have the chance to RESET your life? God has set a special 40 Day period aside every year for you to RESET your life for the next year. This special time is called TESHUVAH it begins on the 1st of the Hebrew month Elul and ends on the Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement.

Most people have no idea what TESHUVAH is. The root word for TESHUVAH is SHUV and it is translated into the word repent in the King James Bible more than 1,000 times. SHUV means to turn around and head back from where you came.

The meaning of REPENTANCE in Hebrew is to be in a house and realize you are in a place you don't belong. You then burn the house to the ground so you can no longer return. Once the house is burned down you then head back in the direction from which you came. This is TRUE REPENTANCE.

During TESHUVAH God leaves His Throne and comes to Earth to spend time with His people 1 on 1. During this time the Jewish People say the THE KING IS IN THE FIELD. The KING of the UNIVERSE comes to Earth to give you a progress report and tell you what He would like you address before the Day of Atonement. During this time we should get our relationships with God and man in good standing because on Rosh Hashanah The Jewish New Year God writes our future for the next year. He then gives us 10 days to get anything outstanding resolved before He seals our fate on the Day of Atonement.

Your actions and your heart condition during this 40 day period determines your future. You are 100% in control of your FUTURE. I challenge you to decide to hit the RESET BUTTON on your life and watch what God will do for you over the next 12 months.

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