No Great Divide. No Contract. January 10, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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No Great Divide. No Contract. January 10, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

People are confused. I don't blame anyone for that. Let me explain.

Joe Biden was elected by Municipal citizens of the United States, shareholders in the US, INC., to a now non-existent office in a defunct corporation, but they are all trying to finesse it and pretend that their corporation is still alive and the "same as" the brand new version of the US, INC. they are trying to foist off on us. The new version is a wholly-owned franchise of the UN CORP.

Fortunately, we know this.

Their new corporation is not allowed to assume a successor to contract position, and we have told them and their Boss, the Pope, to shove off.

So, you have the Municipal Government and all the corporations like FB and Microsoft, that have incorporated as US CORPS trying to pull a fast one on the American States and People, and do another little Coo-Coo Bird substitution of one corporation for another, so that they can continue to use and abuse the powers of government to protect and profit themselves at everyone else's expense.

Our Forefathers couldn't possibly foresee the roiling pit of commercial nastiness that Washington, DC, has become, but they did have a healthy appreciation for the corruption and guile and greed of the Holy Roman Empire, so when they set this whole shebang up, they did it like a set of Russian Nesting Dolls.

The Municipality of Washington, DC, together with its Municipal Government (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17) sits inside the Territorial District of Columbia as a safeguard, and the Territorial District of Columbia sits inside the Federal Republic Enclave as a safeguard.

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