路得記講道系列:誰在作主? - 路得記 4:17b-22

4 years ago

黃紹權牧師 – 多倫多以馬內利華人浸信會
題目:誰在作主? - 路得記 4:17b-22

族譜在原本希伯來文叫(תֹולְדֹ֧ות),意思是“誕生的承傳 Succession of Births ”希臘文(γένεσις)

(1) 路得記與創世記族譜中的宇宙性神權 (cf. 創世記2:4)
- 路得記4:17b-22有一個結構,就是以“俄備得生耶西;耶西生大衛”包裹著一個由法勒斯為首的族譜
- (From Complete Disorientation during the Era of Judges To Proper Orientation of the Salvific Trajectory)
- Salvific act of Christ Jesus is the final step of God’s Creation

(2) 在神之中沒有斤斤計較的生命 Never Haggle over every penny!

(3) 義在艱難中的承傳 (cf. 馬太福音1:1-17)
(a) 她瑪 - 波阿斯的老祖宗的妻子
(b) 喇合 - 波阿斯的母親 (馬太福音1:5)
(c) 路得 - 波阿斯的妻子
(d) 烏利亞的妻子 - 波阿斯曾孫(大衛)的妻子

17b. 這俄備得是耶西的父,耶西是大衛的父。
18. 法勒斯的後代記在下面:法勒斯生希斯崙;
19. 希斯崙生蘭;蘭生亞米拿達;
20. 亞米拿達生拿順;拿順生撒門;
21. 撒門生波阿斯;波阿斯生俄備得;
22. 俄備得生耶西;耶西生大衛。

17b Now he became the father of Jesse—David’s father!
18 These are the descendants of Perez: Perez was the father of Hezron,
19 Hezron was the father of Ram, Ram was the father of Amminadab,
20 Amminadab was the father of Nachshon, Nachshon was the father of Salmah,
21 Salmon was the father of Boaz, Boaz was the father of Obed,
22 Obed was the father of Jesse, and Jesse was the father of David.

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