Americans vs Globalist Authoritarians

4 years ago

#BreakUpBigTech #FreedomOfSpeech #TruthAndJusticeForAll
It is time to divest ourselves of the wide array of social platforms and technological devices that are extremely reinforcing, which provide stimulating, and coinvent ways to facilitate communication with friends and strangers. While it is known to the average user of these social media platforms that their DATA is what is being sold, and that they, the consumer are in fact the product.

Assuredly you know that you gave these companies the rights to use all of your photographs, videos, and other media, from your gallery (not from the app usage), but have you ever stopped to wonder what they are doing with your personal photographs?

Before the popularity of onlyfans and other illicit means to view 'ordinary' females, is there any evidence of these companies misusing or selling this "DATA" to third parties?

What is done with it from there?

What do you do to divest yourself of a system that has become integral to your success in both business and personal life? When these companies have beaten out all of the competition, and not allowed for a natural dispersion of social media platforms to develop, these tech giants have not only stymied progress in communication, but also made carefully planned modifications to the public schema's, essentially 'willing', or manifesting a particular reality to manifest by virtue of the power of suggestion, as well as subconscious implantation..

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