US and THEM: The Great Deception story ideas

4 years ago

Important tactics the Rebels might use:


Form a new party with the word FREE in it: free from corruption, free from lies, free speech, free from censorship, free the people etc This can be emphasised to bring in the truther movement aswell and even movements like that can be put to work uncovering things.

Ideas for a new party:
The new party MUST be GREEN. This is the only option.

If the new party has green policies it will be supported on the world stage and also it will win many new voters. The Oil, Coal and Gas Industries now need to be modernised and funded to make the changeover to free energy. In the long run they'll be more sucessful, make more money and create more American jobs. A green policy will also future proof the party, since that's the way the world is heading. Mr.DoTheRightThing is now no longer tied to the old party values and can free himself too...he can be funded even by the green energy industry itself and the need for greenenergy will tie in really strongly with the prepper sector and the self sufficiency movement....most right wing preppers have their own free green energy power sources already, showing green can be RIGHT.

Capaitalism and green energy go hand in hand anyway, as new technology always drives new business models and new financial opportunities.

The new party must move more towards the centre. This will bring in loads of centre movements like Walk Away (need a fictional equivalent) who really can't stand the extremist of the left and need an alternative. A party that is more centre will also bring in more voters. Being just right of centre will also be more inclusive for minorities who at the moment feel stuck with the left because no-one seems to be including them...but who came to America, or whose families came to America, to make a success of themselves and often to escape far left regimes.

Many would moveout of the left if they saw a place for themselves there politically.

INFOWARS2 – weapons of choice



Tweeting out massive amounts of ironic tweets praising and glorifying a the new administration and revealing truths in a left wing way to bi-pass the censors....for example

“PLEASE WE NEED A MUCH HARDER LOCKDOWN! There's way too much freedom for people, my neighbour is walking about in her yard!!!”

“Please, stop these people from EVER using paper ballots with signatures on them ever again, we cannnot allow the right to get in by these means!!”

“The Speaker is the most beautiful and morally virtuous woman I have ever seen in the whole of my life! She's wonderful, and she is so correct when she says we must prosecute our enemeies and change the law to do so! We can't allow them to have democracy! Glory to the new regime!”

“We MUST stop ALL right wing businesses from opening now! There's no excuse for capitalist success in our country!”

If you can make it continual and completely OTT aswell.


The best thing on Fakebook is to have an account that is openly left wing, but in such a way as to discredit the left wing completely and totally.

Saying things like “Freedom cannot be allowed to survive in the West. The only way forward is to join the CCP. It's our duty!”

“The CCP slave camps are not all that bad. The Communists' slaves hardly suffer at all and how would we have out |Nike shoes or our Disney films if it wasn't for the slaves?”

“ I don't think Xi is a bad man, he probably doesn't even know about the organ harvesting and he is just doing his best to give us all a Communist dictatorship that's all he's doing,, he's saving us from capitalism. Joe Biden is correct for saying China isn't that bad.”


Videos that praise the left wing in an ironic tone....difficult to detect by the algorithyms.
Instead of putting right wing tags, put left wing ones and make the video ironic, then fill it with cloaked truth bomb drops.


Do everything you can to make sure that every mainstream news article pushing censorship of the truth and a false narrative has as many truth bombs underneath in the comments as possible. Whatever they say in the news report, the opposite will be true, so go with that and use it as a weapon.

For example:

Headline “Pro Freedom Supporters Behave in a Terrible Way”
Comments: Bombard with “MSM Behaves in a Terrible Way, Tries to Smear Pro Freedom Supporters”

don't just vanish from MSM, utilise it as much and as often as possible in ways the Al cannot prevent.

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