Domestic cats

4 years ago

Information about domestic cats, cats in many homes are considered essential, as you know that cats are among the pets that many families care for and are interested in being in their homes, due to their kindness and not causing any of the problems unlike many animals that may cause harm to Owners also to the place you are.
The cause of cats at home is by simply spending time with them or being in places around a little for an estimated period of 15 to 30 minutes per day, which leads to the elimination of chronic stress and the general tension that may affect anyone as a result of stressful work throughout the day.
And it also helps improve the person’s psychological state, as scientific studies have proven that there is a chemical in the human brain that secretes serotonin that works on a person’s feeling of happiness and comfort, and this substance reduces the level of cortisol, which is the main substance in a person’s feeling of extremefatigue and stress.

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