China's $2 Trillion Debt to Americans // The National Pulse Interview with Raheem Kassam

4 years ago

December 29 2020 - "Every. Major. Media. Outlet. In. America."

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Raheem and I discuss the larger issue of China's staggering $2 Trillion in unpaid defaulted sovereign debt China owes to Americans - and the golden opportunity Donald Trump has to wipe out China's US Treasury holdings with it. A good old fashioned debt swap anyone? These are legally valid debts and the CCP does NOT want you to know about them.

Check out my article that Raheem refers to:

Here are some GREAT things that will happen if the US Treasury proceeds with working with the American Bondholders Foundation to utilize these Chinese bonds:

1.) The United States would no longer be indebted to what the Director of National Intelligence identifies as its greatest existential threat.

2.) The money saved from interest payments alone on China’s US Treasury holdings – a whopping $72 Million accrued daily – can be shifted away from paying China and directed toward targeted domestic purposes (ie, deficit reduction, stimulus efforts, etc).

3.) The nearly $1.1 Trillion in US Treasury debt owned by China that the United States is obligated to service would be stricken from the US debt outstanding, thereby improving the balance sheet of the US Government. The bonds held by the American Bondholders Foundation on behalf of the 20,000 American Bondholders would be assigned – at a significant discount - to the US Treasury. In effect, the US Government would erase its nearly $1.1 Trillion in US Treasury debt for pennies on the dollar.

4.) Tens of thousands of American families who are Bondholders and represented by the American Bondholders Foundation would be justly compensated. This transfer of resources would be a stimulus to the US economy without the need for Congressional approval and the creation of additional fiat currency via unrestrained fiscal policy.

5.) The massive capital gains derived from the compensation of Bondholders would provide additional resources toward which the US Government can allocate as it deems most productive.

6.) The transaction would communicate that American interests are at the forefront of the Trump Administration’s priorities and that sovereign debt to which other nations are obliged must be repaid to the United States.

#TheNationalPulse #DebtSwap #Bonds #China #Economy

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