PATRIOTS IN TUNE #281: Catturd️/@Catturd2 ~ D.C. Bound at the March For Trump Rally 1/6/2021

4 years ago

It's Catturd️️️️ Wednesday on Patriots In Tune and we are D.C. Bound & Toots Sweet will be reporting LIVE from D.C.. Catturd️ and I will be holding down the fort on @PatriotsInTune. Everyone's favorite cat, author, social media influencer: Catturd️️️️/@Catturd2 will join me. Check out his website & his books, "Rabbitskin" & "The Adventures of Cowfart, literally" @

***Disclaimer: The opinions and views of our guests DO NOT necessarily reflect the opinions and views of the "Patriots In Tune" channel.

PATRIOTS IN TUNE channel hosted by Toots Sweet and the lovely Jewels Jones. A LIVE broadcast/Talk show where politics, music & laughter collide!!

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9:00pm-11:00pm EST and Wed's from 12:00pm-2:00pm EST

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