9 Secrets of Catholic Marriage

4 years ago

9 Secrets of Catholic Marriage

Tim and Steph discuss 9 truths about marriage so embarrassingly or dangerously true that no one talks about them in ANY corner of the Church! Mainly, this show is about how to grow closer together with your spouse and rescue your marriage from Satan’s primary dividing tool: boredom and disinterest in one another!

Show Notes:
Here are the main points we discuss:
1. Work hard, play hard
• Keep spirit of flirtation throughout the day
• Continuum of the day is working 100-0/0-100
• Why Aristotle calls it “household economy”

2. The Catholic Puritan bedroom-isms doesn’t work
• Attention to taste/preferences
• Contraception doesn’t mean artificial, alone (see above)
• How do we know it’s important “the martial act”
• You relate to each other better when the bedroom in order

3. It’s ok to fight (within reason)!
• Certain young couples worry about this
• Women should do it less, men/leader should do it more
• But never in front of others
• Detour from the day’s flirtation/project: a. necessary b. return to flirtation
• Someone is wrong—apologize
• Keep it surgical

4. Husbands are the Priest of the home
• Irony: women ordering men to lead
• Men should lead prayer, take family to confession
• Men are called to lay their lives down (have harder job! Which is why they deserve respect)
• He’s also prophet and king of home

5. Be your own island
• 100% key (leave and cleave)
• Your couple’s decisions are your own
• Being independent
• You are each other’s #1 fans/bffs/supporters
• Which is why people know they can’t come between you
• Bottom line: it’s a boring island unless 1 & 2 working

6. Never talk bad about your spouse
• Wives do this a lot (even on TV)
• Husbands don’t confront wives and then gripe to buddies about them
• This is the effect of husbands not leading affectively

7. Authentic masculinity/femininity
• Husbands, never say “I’ll ask the boss.”
• Wives, your husband is your boss (don’t like your boss—YOU picked him)
• Complementarity: Your sexual attraction drives the day forward.
• Woman as leader destroys men’s affection
• Women aren’t attracted to effete men (which is why they gripe at/about them)

8. Put marriage first, kids second
• Marriage is the rock
• The best thing man can do for kids is treat wife well—NOT PANDERING to her.
• Same for wife (NOT NAG)
• Don’t allow kid activities take over all spare time
• Catholic couple should network to babysit for each other’s romantic dates
• Dates are surgically zeroing in on late stage flirtation.

9. Save your best for your spouse.
• Don’t treat friends, boss, family better than your spouse
• Never keep secrets/lie
• Men treat your spouse like you did when you were courting.
• Women, dress up everyday
• Pull out all the stops (makes marriages last longer)
• Women should be attentive of their figure to help man’s nature.

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