Post Coup Update, 3448

3 years ago

Good evening, I’m Still reporting on the coup.
First of all, I’m ok. Beth is ok. We are just exhausted. I’ve been on duty 17 hours a day for about 5 years tracking the Trump Train.
We just have to admit that this coup d’état has been spectacularly successful for the Desperados.
It is hard for me to see a good outcome for the Republic under the current circumstances. Beth and I still hope and pray that the President sees a clear path ahead because right now, I do not.
However, God’s ways are higher than our ways and perhaps Centrist Democrats need to be shocked into coming onboard before true reformation can come. One thing is for sure; now, for the first time, the problem has been fully exposed. None of us could have truly known the depth of this even one year ago.
I know also that President Trump has hinted that he will now start implementation of some sort of Trump media outlet to really give voice once again to the loyal opposition – and right now, that’s us, folks.
Even though the election system was debauched, still the system can work out in the long run. I would encourage all Americans to stay engaged, but stay peaceful. That’s the essence of this system.
I don’t know how this is going to work out, but already I see some interesting signs – some green sprigs after the devastation.
Today, Media Buzz guy, Howie Kurtz, a pretty hard-core Trump hater on the FoxNews network, was openly discussing the implications of Twitter shutting down not only the President’s personal account, but even his official governmental account.
This was an unexpected shocker to me, as people who had no skin amongst the pro-Trump forces begin to understand the implications of this massive power grab.
The new news is that Beth & I have been offered a radio show. It’s a one hour show once a week, and it gives us a way to keep our audience, even if we do get the boot from YouTube.
I’ve been advised that although that is not a likely outcome from my 13.5 years on YouTube, anything, at this point, is still possible. So I have to try to adhere to the new rules – whatever those may be – and no one is sure of that.
However, I’m an asset to YouTube because I’m a moderate, I’m older, I have a big audience, and I’m well-respected by an older, more educated, and wealthier group.
I also have a significant fan-base among the less-radical left because I have been among the vanguard in monetary reform research for the last 25 years, and those folks are older than the AOC wing, and are in positions of power.
In any case, I’m not going anywhere. I’m not changing a thing, and that means I’ll always support maximum decentralization of power, but I am being cautious.
Fortunately, Beth’s brother, John Hammer, has pulled along side to add a softer, more intellectual touch. You saw him on our very first podcast last week.
So I just wanted to peak in and say hi to let you know we are starting up production again after a 2-day rest.
God bless America and Jesus is Lord of all.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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