The squirrel of rodents, often lives on trees,

3 years ago

The squirrel of rodents, often lives on trees, with a thick and great tail, has a large Sudawan, and tasting. Most of its graceful animals, with tails and long hair. However, many types of squares do not climb trees, and have short tails; The latter is called the Snabbah, including both pharmaceuticals, marital, and prairi dogs. Square is located on Asia, Europe and America. It also has Africa but different fonts. It feeds on the nut, hazelnuts, oak and fruits, and eats with gain and birds and birds. It is prey for birds, survival and foxes. Of the distinctive species of Sinjab: Flying squirrels. Burberry. Snagab Earth. Squirrest Squirrel African Squirrel White Squirrel Ground Squirrel Squirrel Japanese Japanese from qualities famous for some types of squirrels, collected for nuts and walnuts, and storage for winter inside trees or by Research has shown that SSM has been strong memory to keep nuts and nuts.

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