Jaguar drives through motorcycle at 50 mph

4 years ago

This was my accident in 2018. Not sure what the driver behind me was doing but she wasn't paying attention to me and had no intention to stop for the light. There was a lot that was correct for me to still be alive and in one piece. I've been a stunt guy/skater most of my life but I had never been hit that hard in my life. Fortunately, I had the awareness (in seemingly slow motion) to know what was happening while I was in the air. Only God knows how I'm still alive and not severely broken. It did end my skating career, but fortunately my dog training had been well established to focus on that now. Life happens and I have learned to roll with the punches. I do struggle knowing someone else had a say in the direction of my life, but maybe it was more of a divine hand that lead me to the next stage of my successful life and journey. Anyway, for you riders, be safe and dress for the slide, NOT for the ride! It saved me great pain. The oblivious caged assassins are out there! Practice and ride accordingly!

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